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domenica 4 marzo 2012
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Here, where the sea shines and the wind howls
on the old terrace beside the gulf of Sorrento
a man embraces a girl he wept after
then clears his throat and starts singing.
I love you very
but much, much, you know
has become a chain
that melts the blood inside the veins.
He saw the lights in the sea
thought of the nights there in America
but they were just the boats and the white wash astern
He felt the pain in music, he rose from the piano
but when he saw the moon emerging from a cloud
seemed sweeter even death
the girl looked into his eyes, those eyes as green as the sea
Then suddenly a tear fell and he believed he was drowning.
I love you very
but much, you know
has become a chain
that melts the blood inside the veins.
The power of opera, where every drama is a hoax
that with a little 'up and with mime you can become another
But two eyes that look at you, so close and real
fans will forget the words, confuse your thoughts
so everything becomes small, also the nights there in America
You turn and see your life like the wake of a propeller
but yes, it is life that ends and he does not think so much
indeed he already felt happy and continued his song.
I love you very
but much, you know
has become a chain
that melts the blood inside the veins
on the old terrace beside the gulf of Sorrento
a man embraces a girl he wept after
then clears his throat and starts singing.
I love you very
but much, much, you know
has become a chain
that melts the blood inside the veins.
He saw the lights in the sea
thought of the nights there in America
but they were just the boats and the white wash astern
He felt the pain in music, he rose from the piano
but when he saw the moon emerging from a cloud
seemed sweeter even death
the girl looked into his eyes, those eyes as green as the sea
Then suddenly a tear fell and he believed he was drowning.
I love you very
but much, you know
has become a chain
that melts the blood inside the veins.
The power of opera, where every drama is a hoax
that with a little 'up and with mime you can become another
But two eyes that look at you, so close and real
fans will forget the words, confuse your thoughts
so everything becomes small, also the nights there in America
You turn and see your life like the wake of a propeller
but yes, it is life that ends and he does not think so much
indeed he already felt happy and continued his song.
I love you very
but much, you know
has become a chain
that melts the blood inside the veins
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- Selene
- ciao mi chiamo selene nel web, ho 21 anni cosa dire di me... allora adoro il fantasy (si era capito!!! (^_^) )sono simapatica, sognatrice, romantica, testarda e determinata. Ho aperto questo piccolo spazio per condividre con voi la mia fantasia. ƸӜƷ Selene ƸӜƷ
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